Saturday, May 14, 2011

Eating my way through a marathon??

Yeah, that's right! I think I'm going to eat my way through this thing! I was much more conscious about fueling this time because last week my stomach was growling! How can I be running when I'm so hungry? So I took 1/2 a bagel with me and a cliff bar along with my gels and energy drinks. I snacked on them on and off while I ran and it helped a lot. I felt a little silly but my tummy was happy.
I snapped this picture of myself. This was on mile 8 and I look a lot happier then I feel. It was wet and cold and rainy and when I looped around and stopped at my house I had to change my clothes into dry warmer ones. It was really hard to leave the house. I wanted to stay home! I thought that this would be easier after 22 miles but it was, for lack of better words, horrible. Just like last time my legs just died after 11.5 miles. Being out of breath and the cardio workout of it all doesn't bother me, I could go for ever. But my legs kill. It gets so painful just to put one in front of the other. Walking hurts worse then running. I am confident I can finish this race but it is going to be SLOW and PAINFUL!

My son snapped this one of me right before I ran up and changed.

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