Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween 5k

I was really hopeful with all the running I've been doing I wouldn't still be pregnant today. But alas, I woke up the morning still huge so why not run a 5k? I'm not gonna lie, it gets harder every week and I wasn't sure how much of this I could run. Some days I feel great some days I don't.Today I felt pretty good. Other then the obvious heavy weight in my abdomen and pressure down there I felt good I ran almost all of it. I had dreams of being like the woman who ran the Chicago marathon at 39 weeks then had her baby later that day, but no luck.

These are some of my running buddies.They crossed the line almost 20 minutes before me. I look forward to running races again when I can actually see them ahead of me most of race.

This is Karen, Lara, and I. We are all Weight Watchers employees. I was ahead of Karen most of the race but she caught up to me around mile 2. She could walk fast next to me while I "ran" and we went about the same pace! I walked a tiny bit with her during mile two but other then that I ran the whole thing. It took me 43 minutes. Not too shabby! Especially considering I am carrying probably an 8 lb baby!

The next race in town is the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving. I've got my eyes set on that baby! And I wont be pregnant I can guarantee it!! I do think it will feel awesome to run not pregnant but I'm also thinking its gonna be rough getting back into running shape. Still, I can't wait!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Hospice 5k

I think I'm more proud of these last trimester runs then any other 5k's I've done. I wasn't sure if I was going to feel up to doing this one or not but the last week I've really felt fantastic! I hate to say it out loud but I might actually stand to stay pregnant a while longer since I've been feeling so well. Much better then the whole last month. My husband even remarked this morning, after he woke up at 430am to get ready for hunting, he said, "wow you were sleeping really good!" I was like I know! I only woke up once last night, I don't know what the deal is all I know is I better enjoy this while it last cause this baby will be here soon enough and I wont be getting any sleep.

So the 5k: it went great! I ran the whole way! I ran it 4 minutes faster then I did the 5k 2 weeks ago. I was being motivated by the walkers behind me that I could hear them the entire time! Dang fast walkers! I was afraid if I stopped to walk a minute they would pass me so I just kept going. Usually what stops me and makes me walk is the pulling I feel on my stomach muscles but they didn't hurt so bad today. So I ran it in 40 minutes 20 seconds. Which is like a 13 minute mile, yuck, but oh well. This was probably my last pregnancy race which is kind of sad. The fun thing about running pregnant is there is no pressure. Everyone is just so impressed that I'm out there I don't feel any pressure to go fast. Soon enough I will be trying to get back to my old times and pushing myself harder. I'm enjoying the laid back feeling.

So I napped today and tonight I'm off to our Zumbathon fund raiser with the other Zumba instructors in town. You would think with all this activity I'm doing eventually this baby would get the idea and come out! Probably not for a few more weeks though.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Pink Ribbon 5k

Today was the annual health fair, breast cancer research 5k/10k. Last year I ran the 10k and got lost, this year, it was a bit different! I "ran" the 5k, kinda. My goal was to come in before all the walkers and I did! Even though it was a breast cancer run, the lady running the event even said we were supporting all types of cancer. It seemed like a very appropriate thing to do today as a friend of mine lost her husband to leukemia this morning. I felt like I was actually running for a cause. My friend Jenna ran it with me and I am so glad! Running by yourself is enjoyable when you are pushing to beat a time and really racing, but when you run like I do right now it can be incredibly boring. We talked the entire time and just had fun.

So running for me is most obviously difficult. Funny thing is I physically can not run fast enough to really get my heart rate up. It raises a little but I can fairly comfortably carry on a conversation the whole time. I physically cannot move my legs fast enough to get a great work out, which is probably a good thing. The thing that slows me down is just how uncomfortable and painful the weight of this baby is on my middle. I'm good for the first mile and then I have to walk occasionally to ease the pressure.

Still, I love it. Can't wait to run not pregnant, but I really enjoy running still. It makes me feel better. Funny thing is, yesterday I felt horrible. Standing, walking, bending just moving in general made me miserable. By evening I was lying on the couch. Today, I feel good. My legs are tired but I don't feel like I'd rather die then walk upstairs. I really think exercise is the best thing for this preggo lady.

I think I will do the hospice 5k next weekend if I'm still feeling good.